Who/What We are
I don’t know about you, but to me, the most important achievement that I can make during my life experience, is to find out who, or what I am, and perhaps, where I came from. I say “perhaps” on the last point because understanding the other two can make “specifics” about the last one a moot point, at least for now. Yet, there’s something even more important: even before we “find out” who or what we are, we need to get to a point of loving who we are, no matter who we (or anyone else) think(s) we are.
Some might assert instead that it’s more important to find out what you want to do, how you want to earn a living, or how you’ll support yourself. These are very important decisions to make. However, I’ll ask the question, which comes first, the who? Or the what? We enter the world knowing “squat.” And by the time we have a halfway decent idea of what “squat” is, we’ve been given a whole lot of opinions about who we are, and how we’re supposed to be; many of which we’d benefit by kicking to the curb. Not only have we been given these opinions, we’ve embraced them, as they have served as our starting reference point for both social and introspective interaction in this world.
Yet, if we learn who and what we are early enough, it will influence what we do, and how we’ll earn a living. Moreover, we’ll be much happier individuals, and the world will be a much better place as a result, again because we will be loving what we’re doing, and how we’re being.
Is making money more important to you than being loving? Do you compartmentalize and separate the two? It’s not uncommon, especially when we get the idea in our mind about the kind of lifestyle we want to live versus what we’re actually living, or the kind we believe we’re capable of living, or deserve to live.
If you want to live a certain lifestyle because “so and so” lives that way, then you’re not being yourself. As such, you’re not going to be loving, and you’re not going to get to know who you are.
Few will ever say out right that being loving is not important. However, in the hierarchy of what’s important, loving behavior may not head the list. For example, how would being loving apply to someone like Saddam Hussein who, we have just learned, has been executed? The answer lies in part, in what we believe constitutes loving behavior, as well as our beliefs about death, which go back to who and what we are. Is it possible to put someone to death and still be loving?
I’ll get back to you on that question.
If we’re not loving toward others, we won’t be loved. We tend to think that love comes “from” someone else. It does not. Loved comes from some thing else… YOU. It comes from, or shall I say, through your Higher Self, simply by your being open to sharing it. When you share your love with another, YOU receive it first. It then enters this dimensonal/reality and flows through your “vessel” according to your intent. But before they get it — assuming they are even open to receiving your love — YOU get it. Indeed, you “get” your love whether or not the one you wish to share it with does. If they reciprocate, then they receive love from their Higher Self, as it flows through them to the receptive “you.”
What is love? It’s energy. It’s high vibration. It’s healing and healthy intent. It’s the harmonious bridge. The lighthouse in the storm, oasis in the desert. Love is realness; being real and genuine. What love is not, is harm causing, or fearfulness. It is not insecurity. You can be penniless, and still be wealthy with love. You can be “rich,” and yet a pauper with fear.
We will not be able to truly love anyone else unless we practice on the one we’ll spend the absolute most time with, from first breath to last. I would even venture that we won’t learn who or what we are unless and until we love first. That’s because, love is who and what we are, even when we don’t know it. Even when we act as though we’re the furthest thing from it.
Love is heart-centeredness. Our greatest power comes from there.
Needless to say, we may have to go through a lot of unlearning about who and what we are before we really believe that we are love incarnate, especially if, like Saddam (or any of a few hundred thousand others we could name), our behavior wasn’t loving. Can a “killer” yet be love incarnate? Yes. This gets to the question of what we are. Love is the basis of all existence. However, a veil to conscious awareness is a component of earthly existence. In this world it does indeed appear that we are separate and distinct, and detached from everyone else. Death does indeed appear to represent an end to our existence, just as birth appears to be the beginning. However, neither are true. Love precedes birth as hope, and survives death as endeared memory. And, when we are transiting between worlds, this truth will become abundantly clear, for it will be a truth remembered.
Can Saddam be put to death and still be loved? Yes. The choice, however, rests within him and his relationship to his Higher Self. I know… people who believe in Satan, Hell and damnation will probably have a hard time with this point of view, but they don’t have to accept it. I’m speaking from my perspective, which need only resonate with me (although I suspect I won’t be alone in finding comfort therein).
Death is not an end of life, nor love, nor beingness. And in that context, it is not unloving to end Saddam’s activity on this dimensional plane, allowing the “justice” he meted out on so many others, to come full circle to its progenitor. Perhaps in another lifetime he’ll see things differently, or play a different role. He will still be love, as will every other person we may self-righteously view as despicable. Such a view “hurts” the view holder much more than it does the object of their judgment. Forgiveness is the gateway to our own transformative change, the catalyst for peace, which sets the table for our own reunion with love… our Highest Self.
Lovingness grows as we feel, appreciate, and ultimately experience oneness. The lines of duality and dichotomy begin to blur, as we see the black and white of “right” and “wrong” turn into kaleidoscopic colors spinning around on a single wheel. We’ll resonate with some colors more than others, but we’ll see tham all as beautiful parts of the whole… all simply “where they are.”
When we learn to allow others to be “where they are” without feeling the need to change them, else we withhold our love, we’ll have come to a point of accepting self. When they see our self-confidence and acceptance and yet love of them as they are, they will become more willing to change, becoming who they are, as all are born of the same Love as you and me.
Funny how that works.
Happy new year to you! Natural-ly.
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